How was your visit?
Happy with our services? Have some feedback? Leave us a review!
Please note that your reviews will be posted on our Google My Business listing. This means that your name and your feedback will be visible to the public, which may impact your privacy. Please take this into consideration before reviewing our customer service.
In addition, it is important to note that we are seeking reviews for our customer service and NOT our clinical services. This means that we are actively discouraging you from publicly posting about your symptoms, diagnosis, treatment or the outcome of the therapy. This includes commenting on the clinicians skills or experience.
The reason for this is that the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency does not allow the use of testimonials or purported testimonials to advertise regulated health services, such as ours. This is to protect the public from having unreasonable expectations of the benefits of treatment or to encourage unnecessary use of health services.
Instead, we are seeking reviews on your experience of the practice.
This can include:
The friendliness of our reception staff
Cleanliness of the practice and facilities
Whether you felt welcomed
How easy it was to get to the practice
You can leave your review for us using this link here.
Thank you for your support.